Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mama Marisa

Marisa Estoesta
February 27, 1958 - April 18, 2009

Dearest Mama,

Happy Birthday, Mama...

We are celebrating your first birthday there in heaven...

It's been nearly a year since you left suddenly...

It would have been nice to have a final chat with you...

but time did not allow us the privilege...

Massive stroke ripped you away too fast...

stealing your life and robbing me of life with you...

Had there been warning, I would have come home more often, and stayed longer...

Had I known, I might not have moved so far away...

But if you knew the warning signs, you kept them to yourself...

You would not have wanted to alter life for any of your children...

But Ma, your passing altered our lives, plenty...

You left daughters and son without a mother to direct us into our senior years...

You left grandchildren who depended upon your thoughtful eye...

And when you left Ma, you took my friend, my counselor...

and my only remaining parent...

It changed me. I had to grow up...

No mother would be there to catch me or fund my mistakes...

No mother would love me despite my faults...

No mother would answer the phone and listen to my news...

I tear-up when I realize...

I will never see my little old mother walk hand-in-hand with my old step-father...

I will never need to push you in a wheelchair - for you are not growing older - like I am...

One day Ma, we shall embrace again - one day on the other side...

Until then, I think of you often and send my love as I visit you...

My thoughts of you are many and my love for you is deep...

Happy 1st Birthday (in heaven), Ma!

Loving you always,

Your Eldest Daughter